#Just start your goal

Abdul Basit
2 min readApr 2, 2021

What we face may look insurmountable but what i learned that we are always stronger than we know.

Sup Chums😆, How y’all living.

So being an Amal fellow we all were given a project about defining our goals and to choose and start working on one of those goals. What i choose was fitness, Ive always been inclined towards fitness and bodybuilding. I used to workout alot and its really essential for a healty body and mind. You dont have to hit a gym and its really easy , you can start going for walk/run and build your strength way up to other exercises.

2020 has been a extremely rough year for me. Its been physically challenging cause i had to fight my way throught Covid and hepatitis. Battling two major illlness in such a short period of time made me extremely weak and i was really down and out. Drastically losing somwhat like 12kgs made me thin as a straw. As much as regaining physical strength is important, getting yourself in the right mindset to be able to do so is equally key. It’s not fun to realize you’re not as fast or strong as you used to be — and that can be really frustrating for people returning to exercise.

Thats where Amal came in and the lectures made me realize we should always go after what we want and always to be patient and consistent. Thing like celebrating small wins. So the 3 tasks i did to start this goal were,

1- Setting and priotizing my goals.

2- Getting a gym membership.

3- Buying gym stuff and making my diet plan.

Gains Ahead

So its just a begining now and I’ll be sharing my journey and i know its going to be a bumpy ride :)

That’s all folks




Abdul Basit

Bachelors in Environmental Sciences , gifted napper and movie/series junkie :)