Fixing stuff around yourself.

Abdul Basit
3 min readApr 2, 2021

We, humans, are more concerned about having than with being.

So do you know that awesome moment when you wake up in the morning and you are full of energy? Me neither lmao😂

I've never been a morning person and I always tend to be melancholic and moody at the start of the day. In order to jump-start my molecules of Serotonin, I decided to fix some stuff around myself. Cause being able to fix stuff always make me happy and accomplished lol.

1-Angoor khaatte hain.

While being currently in Multan I visited my Maternal Grandfathers farmhouse. Used to had a lot of fun there and that's when nostalgia kicked in. They have planted lots of fruiting plants and trees and one that caught my eye was recently planted “Grape Vine”. Being told they had to make changes to it, I immediately told them I will be more than happy to help. Here are some glimpses from different angles.

This is what it looked like before.

I swear it wasn't looking good and was supported on bricks I don't know why. At first, I thought why did I even volunteer in the first place but then I realized by taking responsibility we display acts of leadership. Also, I love plants cause they induce a sense of serenity.


After spending what seems like an eternity. I managed to make it look really presentable. It made me so much happy while looking at it. Nature always wears the color of the spirit.

2- Operation cleanermination.

I had my chaddi buddies over last night and the amount of nostalgia we all went through was astronomical. My room got a little messy so I slept thinking the maid will take care of it in the morning.

Here you can see it's kind of messy and unorganized.

I'll be damned.

Time to be brave and get to it. To be honest it wasn't even that hard and took me like 10 minutes. I made my bed, did some dusting, arranged the pillows on the carpet, and took care of the wardrobe.

Tidy room, tidy mind.

A clean bedroom always makes me happier. Our mind cannot live independently from our environment; thus, keeping the bedroom tidy, clean, and organized has an impact on our mood when we get up, on the way we start the day.

“From the moment you start tidying, you will be compelled to reset your life. As a result, your life will start to change”. Marie Kondo

After doing these tasks what I realized was that you can take responsibility and practice leadership on daily basis without any authority😊

Was I going to do it if I was not assigned?

Was not going to fix the vine but I realized I can do a lot more than I think I can Always try to impress yourself and show that you can get better and grow. It's never about competing with others and in the end its always you vs you✌

What we all should do is to impress and show ourslef that we can grow and get better and its never about competing with others. In the end its just you vs you.



Abdul Basit

Bachelors in Environmental Sciences , gifted napper and movie/series junkie :)